Tuesday, May 17, 2005


just a kwik post!!!
so i have been involved in the most rigorous and intense interview process and i am pleased and extremely humbled to say that they offered me the position jana. as in...its sooo amazing the wonderful things God can hook u up with if u just let him REALLY have his way....plus its soo relaxing not to have to worry about stressing coz u know he got it in check!
now i just need to see how this wonderful canadian govt will help me out with getting the papers!!
please keep trusting in Him for WHATEVER your heart desires, his plans are waaaaaaaaaaay beyond what you can ask or imagine!!!

Monday, May 02, 2005

getting a bit tooo much now

k, so at first i thought it was hilarious that Mama Lucy had become Muthaiga's official noise patrol, but after reading todays news about her storming of the Nation Centre , something just doesnt seem right, funny as the whole situation may still appear to be.
The paranoia, the demands, the abuse and the petty complaints....not too mention the melodrama of wanting to carry out a hunger strike, are merely symptoms of what i fear is a much larger concern. Its kind of embarassing actually, for me as a female who hopes to one day be involved in our nation's political landscape, that a woman in such a high position (albeit by virtue of her hubby's role) would be so rowdy, undiplomatic and quite frankly, a drama queen.

However, perhaps what is even more concerning, is the fact that Papa Emilio, is not doing anything to calm Lucy and her actions down. What sort of a president allows their spouse to run amock and embarass herself, and him, and the entire nation in general?
From literally holding the Nation Centre hostage with her body guards, to physically abusing a camera man, and imsulting what has been the country's forerunning media house, this mama has just done it all , and frankly if u ask me....its really time she stopped.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

sun vs library

talk about will power!!!!
this exam period has been sunny alll the way thru...and ive been sick for most of it...and i know the reason y! its coz ive been cooped up in one of the numerous libraries that my campus boasts...breathing recycled air which, based on the concentration of bodies in the library and in such close proximity, is probably more CO2...
Meanwhile...outside...the sun is shining, the grass is freen...the naked trees have even decided that they are going to show some decency and go get some 'leaves' to wear...and every single ounce of me that grew up surrounded by trees and nature and hills and flowers...EVEN in the middle of a city....is DYING to go outside.
yet...its been 13days STRAIGHT that ive been here in the morning and left on the last nite....

why? because its my last year and im committed to NOT screwing up! i will graduate and i will be able to tell my kids that i used to spend the nite in a library after hours with the alarms on (...u know how the folks ALWAYS exaggerate their stories frm school:D:D)

anyways...one more...the last one is on SATo and then i officially have to start thinking about what im going to do with my life.
i want to work...make money...live life abit, but then i think eventually i will want to go bk to school and so...when ur done reading this..say a little prayer for me that i am able to make up my mind!

[exam music = FLOETRY!!!!! watch this space for my blog on these FEN-OHM-in-ALL women]

Saturday, April 16, 2005

is there a difference?

in my 4 years at university in CAnada, i have been actively participating in my campus' Black Student's Association, at one point, I was even Vice President.
My campus does not have anything remotely close to an equitable representation of Black's but WE are on campus and I have realised that people know that WE are on campus...and as such, often our actions are scrutinized, mimicked or even taken to be the perfect representation of 'all things black'.
There are many Africans and Caribbeans on campus who are not 'black' but were participant in the events that we put on as a club. there were also many 'black' Africans/ Caribbeans, Afro-Canadians, Afro-Americans etc...who chose not to participate in or associate with those who were involved in such groups.
The one thing that taught me is that there is a choice, and that choice is something that goes past your skin, your ethnicity or nationality...it is a choice that only an individual can make based on their own personal identity and life experience.

i had alluded to in a previous post....there may be a difference being Black of North American descent, of Caribbean descent, or of African descent. In the social hierarchy that is subtly reinforced in an increasingly globalized world, it appears as tho some feel that the African is at the bottom kabisaaa.
Ive had to think about this long and hard on several occassions, and after reading this article, I find myself thinking about it again.

How similar am I as an African to an akata? Are my mannerisms different? Was my upbringing anything similar to theirs, such that it shaped me into a person who can relate in some way, to their experiences?
or are there only IMAGINED and ASSIMILATED similarities??

our histories, which at one point in time were one and the same, followed different paths, yet both were filled with hardships and strengths and amazing achievements and reasons to be proud of who we are. I acknowledge those similarities.
I also acknowledge that to the world, it often does not matter, whether I am Kenyan, Jamaican or an African American. The color of my skin is the same. The prejudices and racist comments are the same. When he sneered at us and called us 'dirty ni&%^rs, it didnt matter that I was African and he was Afro-Canadian.

I wish that what would matter, is that we would all look at each other as human beings, worthy of respect, fair treatment and some digninty. Maybe once we can look past color and ethnicity and embrace the cultures and traditions that have shaped us into the human beings we have become, then maybe the world would be a better place.

...........a tad idealistic i know....im in one of those 'hopeful' moods.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

call for logic!

k! im just completing my 4 year degree in Political Science and Sociology, and even if i hadnt spent these last 4 winters studying governance, human rights and democracy...even i would have figured out that theres something wrong with Michuki!
Speaking out about people with illegal firearms, Michuki released an order to the cops that they should 'shoot to kill' anyone found in possession of an illegal firearm.
This is sorta thing im envisioning:
Scenario 1.
Cop spots civilian with gun [because apparently people just display their guns like that]
Because all 'illegal' firearms have huge visible signs on them, the cop shoots, not to injure, not to startle, nope....shoots to kill.

Scenario 2.
Cop spots civilian with gun, suspects that it may be illegal, [because you can identify illegal fireamrs from the 'type' of people carrying it]
Cop, because s/he is careful, decides to investigate further, ask a few questions...'sir/madam, is that weapon licensed? can i see the license? is that an illegal fire arm?'
to which the civilian replies 'no officer it isnt licensed.' ' Oh...umm I left my license at home.' 'Yes sir/madam...its the illegal AK47 i bought frm Eastleigh.'
The Cop,...following orders from Bwana Michuki, pulls out his 'legal' firearm, aims and 'shoots to kill'

Luckily, somebody is thinking, and the Law Society of Kenya, along with doctors and Human rights groups condemned the order, declaring it unconstitutional. But the most concerning thing is the mentality our own Minister for National Security displayed.
a vote of non-confidence? or another tame and pointless 're-shuffle'? I dont really care....something needs to be done!

and therein ends my first political vent of the month! back to the paper!
hope everyone is well and blessed!

Friday, March 18, 2005


the much awaited dreadlizations continue...

so all the people around...well i should be more specific...all the males around me who have dreads or the really sexy looking 'natty fro'...are now freaking out and CUTTING their wonderfully natural locks....why??
to be presentable for job interviews.
now i can understand that completely...this is your entire career or at least the start to one, and if there is even an inkling of a chance that an employer may pass you up becuase of your 'presentability' then thats something you need to consider.
but still there is another side of me that wonders.

1. its such a part of you. The transformation that you undergo when locking or growing ur hair, the identity that you formulated over the years....that all disappears in 5 minutes for a 25 minute interview for a job that a: you may not get and b: you may hate!
is it worth it?

2. if an employer refuses to hire you based on their personal preferences/ biases towards ones hair, overlooking the qualifications that you may bring to the table, is that really the kind of company i want to work for?

3. is it really the hair thats a problem? or what is assumed the hair means?

4. why is it not such a big deal for female dreads....or is it?

hmmm well..my interview is up in an hour...i will be back with the verdict soon!
blessings and guidance

steps forward

havnt blogged in a while on this personal site...
been kind of having that mental and internal block where u wonder whether you really are alive, breathing, experiencing the world and allowing it to experience you...or whether u are merely EXISTING!

i have a job interview today..and im a tad nervous, as i normally get before them...but its weird...this isnt the number 1 job on my list, but its a job, and i would be very silly not to take it considering im just trying to get some experience before i head back home to CHANGE the world!!!
but i keep wonderinf...what if sumthing beter comes along and ive tied myself down?
what if i want to live in a nice big city like montreal?
what if? what if?

i think thats the very reason why my every day moments are not fully experienced...i keep wasting my time with the what ifs? whos? wheres and whys that are seemingly insignificant in the whole grand schem of this stage that is my life!

Saturday, February 26, 2005

theres something worse than being a nigger?

yes! i had read the very controversial forum on one of the many kenyan community sites...in fact i think it even made it in to the commentary section of the nation newspaper.
yes! i have seen how some 'akatas' look at/ refer to/ sneer at and distinguish themselves from the 'original miro'
but in all honesty...i think i consciously did not want to believe it because for me, we are the same, cut frm the same cloth..we just ended up in different closets, and got worn to different functions.
Then in hotel Rwanda (apologies if every post for a while refers to the movie)...it was phrased so bluntly...yaani even Dubya would have got it...you're not even a Nigger...you're an African...

im trying to wrap my head around this....how i feel about it...what its suggesting about Black History, Equality, the future and the very definition of the African diaspora!... but for now im off to bed, got an early morning!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

what is your greatest Fear???

isnt it strange how it hits you
how one day you wake up and you realise that all the BIG stuff aint worth ish!!all the effort you put into puckering those lovely full lips to kiss somebodies back side...meaningless; all the plans you make...sijui 5 year plans what what!!! its worth nothing!

c'mon y'all dont look at me ati like you dont know what im talking about!

Its one of the scariest things...what if EVERYTHING you do ends up meaning nothing! Getting you NOWHERE??? what then

heres the thing!
watched Hotel Rwanda and it reallyy hit me! we focus on all the wrong stuff at the right time, but at the end of the day, people look out for what is dear to them, for what or rather who they feel an affinity to, and that is the truth! Why therefore do we spend all our times gathering favours that we may need to call in, or relying on aid, or agreeing to be in this part of the world indefinitely because this is where the 'experience' is? Why are we not looking into how to do things for ourselves, so that to the rest of the world, Africa is not a begging child any more?
Why are we trying to learn from a system that appears flawless....if you like being consumed by capitalism and the stresses and pressures of a consumer society...when we should really be focussing on what WORKS and what NEEDS to be done for our societies?
Why are we buying into the concept of West is Best?

I believe in education, achieving greatness and success! I believe in learning from History, experience, past failures and successes.
I believe in intelligence, courtesy and even diplomacy! I believe everyone deserves to be treated Well and made to feel important, respected and supported
I will be the first to advocate fair treatment of all,
I will even admit it when the task seems to heavy and its quite obvious that help is needed!
i have realised that the problem with alot of us who do not 'yet' hold the power....is that we dont realise that we ARE the power! we are the only ones who can truly mae it change, or make it stay the same...by doing something or doing nothing!

every small thing builds up and spills over to have a HUGE impact!

from that signature on a petition passing round in class, to the dollar you spent when you 'bought' one of the green ribbons to support any efforts for the Darfur crisis.
to the little message that you left on somebody's phone ...just coz...that made their day
to the smile you gave to that nervous TA as they were stumbling through their very first tutorial!

We, in our own small way have the power to impact a life, a community, a generation, a country ...a world! Are you BRAVE enuff?
'what is your greatest fear?'

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, it is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us, we ask ourselves, who am i to be brilliant, georgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God your playing small does'nt help the world. There's nothing enlightening about shrinking down so someone won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconciously give others permission to do the same as we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others
[Marianne Williamson]

Friday, January 14, 2005


Originally uploaded by angeltouch.
READ THIS http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4171223.stm
yeah..i agree, theres a lott of other things kenya could be focussing on other than the olympics...but what if...
what if this bid is the Smartest urban management tactic that ochilo and his buddies are pulling?
imagine if kenya actually went ahead and put into place all the wheels to improve our current infrastructure so that we could host the olympics with some ounce of decency?
Fix the roads... fix up the slums...at least create some form of subsidized stock housing, so that when the international press is wandering round nairobi...they dont focus on the slums and the parts of kenya that we ought to be ashamed of.
they may even decide to flush the toilets in nyayo stadium and use harpic to make it smell nice.
RESULT...the Green City in the Sun is BACK!!
and not just for nairobi...imagine if this could happen in many of the surrounding cities/ towns!!

even if we lost the bid...think how different a nairobi we would have. think about the scores of revenue that could come to the kenya because of this infrasturcture that is there..just waiting to be used.
and since people will have stopped complaining about how bad nairobi looks, then we can all seriously focus on economic issues, poverty, unemployment and education issues!

i think it could wrk...stilll havent figured out where the $$ will come frm to do all this...but id be interested to watch this one unfold.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Originally uploaded by angeltouch.
funny how the fingerprint is sooo damn unique, unchanging....idntifiable
by this lil ka thing...people can find out the most detailed aspect of ur life...assuming that you at one point gave that information to be kept on file....
tho in kenya..we all gave our finger print for the ID card...i just dont know how co,mputerized they are to have us all on file tho (sumthing else to investigate)
ne who...im having one of those days...feel like too many people are trying to scan my fingerprint for info
feel like people are up in my bizness
feelin a tad bit claustrophobic and all i REALLY want to do is run away and scream or something.....

the only person who is 'sorta' allowed to have my fingerprint..is the ZEBRA...coz reallly.if u look closely....thats what that could be.

just a random-too=early-in-the-morning thought...what if zebras were blown up fingerprints...????