Thursday, February 24, 2005

what is your greatest Fear???

isnt it strange how it hits you
how one day you wake up and you realise that all the BIG stuff aint worth ish!!all the effort you put into puckering those lovely full lips to kiss somebodies back side...meaningless; all the plans you make...sijui 5 year plans what what!!! its worth nothing!

c'mon y'all dont look at me ati like you dont know what im talking about!

Its one of the scariest things...what if EVERYTHING you do ends up meaning nothing! Getting you NOWHERE??? what then

heres the thing!
watched Hotel Rwanda and it reallyy hit me! we focus on all the wrong stuff at the right time, but at the end of the day, people look out for what is dear to them, for what or rather who they feel an affinity to, and that is the truth! Why therefore do we spend all our times gathering favours that we may need to call in, or relying on aid, or agreeing to be in this part of the world indefinitely because this is where the 'experience' is? Why are we not looking into how to do things for ourselves, so that to the rest of the world, Africa is not a begging child any more?
Why are we trying to learn from a system that appears flawless....if you like being consumed by capitalism and the stresses and pressures of a consumer society...when we should really be focussing on what WORKS and what NEEDS to be done for our societies?
Why are we buying into the concept of West is Best?

I believe in education, achieving greatness and success! I believe in learning from History, experience, past failures and successes.
I believe in intelligence, courtesy and even diplomacy! I believe everyone deserves to be treated Well and made to feel important, respected and supported
I will be the first to advocate fair treatment of all,
I will even admit it when the task seems to heavy and its quite obvious that help is needed!
i have realised that the problem with alot of us who do not 'yet' hold the that we dont realise that we ARE the power! we are the only ones who can truly mae it change, or make it stay the doing something or doing nothing!

every small thing builds up and spills over to have a HUGE impact!

from that signature on a petition passing round in class, to the dollar you spent when you 'bought' one of the green ribbons to support any efforts for the Darfur crisis.
to the little message that you left on somebody's phone ...just coz...that made their day
to the smile you gave to that nervous TA as they were stumbling through their very first tutorial!

We, in our own small way have the power to impact a life, a community, a generation, a country ...a world! Are you BRAVE enuff?
'what is your greatest fear?'

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, it is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us, we ask ourselves, who am i to be brilliant, georgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God your playing small does'nt help the world. There's nothing enlightening about shrinking down so someone won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconciously give others permission to do the same as we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others
[Marianne Williamson]

1 comment:

soulsystah said...

the question is not one of location as much as it is a question of attitude.
learning in the west is a privilege because we are exposed to a different mind set, that can only serve to further empower us...coz u can never know too much.
the patriotism isnt even the point either...its being able to identify what works for africa...and understanding that the West's system is not necessarily it!
make sense? ps.... ur snap is upside downsy;)